Chartres, cité du Moyen Âge par excellence, et sa cathédrale reconstruite par Fulbert en 1020.
Deux clochers très différents la caractérisent, un du XIIIè et un autre du XVIè
Chartres is a very famous city of Middle Âge,
located in a district named Eure et Loire at about 90 km far from Paris.
His Cathedral was re-built by "Fulbert" around the year 1020 !
Two steeple makes this cathedral very amazing. One of them was built at the 13th century the other at the 16th century.

Détail de l'architecture religieuse
Zooming on the religious architecture

Henri IV y fut couronné Roi de France.
Un petit tour à l'intérieur vous permettra de voir le Voile de la Vierge
Henry IV has been sacred King here. Inside the cathedral you could see the Veil of the Virgin

Mais Chartres est aussi une ville remplie d'autres églises,
monastères et hauts lieux de la religion
But Chartres is also full of church, monastery, a Mecca for religion